Thursday, January 17, 2008

There Will Be Boners!

Yes, I have neglected to blog. It is, I think mostly attributed to the fact that I'm a lazy. But, it was only a matter of time that i'd be back. At the moment I'm trying to stream a Paul Thomas Anderson interview off google video about There Will Be Blood. I saw it for a second time tonight and in all honesty think it deserves an in theatre third viewing. I don't know that I can express how goddamn much I love this movie. I hope you've all gotten a chance to see it since we last spoke. It truly is the real deal. And I'm not just stating my snobby opinion, it just solely is.

How are you "the Masses"?? This phone only talks one way.

I've been trying my hand at feature film scoring these past few days. It's hard. But I think I may be alright. I finished a track for a montage sequence that I have to send off here soon, and i've been working on the first 40 or so seconds for what seems like forever. But I can do this damnit I have to. There's no one else! The montage track is fucking phenomenal though. I can't wait.

Also, I worked a shoot last week for three days made 150 bucks. It was a reality based cooking contest show for the internet. It was a lot of fun for the most part. Good experience. Halfway through the first day though the bullshit bomb got dropped and the client of the agency that is Foundation's client (where I is intern) decided to hire somebody as their executive chef, which just happened to be the prize of the whole show. The contestants were none the wiser and one even got kicked off the show as the client requested a "ringer" be put in. The "ringer" who happens to be the already hired and in place executive chef. Anywho I'm not too sure on the specifics of it all this is all I could gather honestly. It's pretty messed up and unprofessional of the client to do such a thing, especially for our company to have to take up the responsibility of figuring out how to reformat the show for it to somehow work and keep the contestants in the dark about what's going on. I'm sure they've figured it out. Needless to say, I got to try out some really great fucking food. I may have to get a real job so I can dine out at fancy returants, man fucking spell check can't figure out "resturant".........shit!

What else is new?

Oh yeah!

A friend of mine at Foundation asked me to help him out on a script for a short film he wants to make. First and foremost I was blown away with flattery that he'd turn to me to help him. I had previously written a short comedy with him in mind to act and he loved it. So when he considered me for help i jumped on it. We had a rap session and threw out some great ideas. This script is now full force and i'm going to lay down an idea draft this weekend. I don't want to talk to much about it so as not to jinx the fucker but i'm only going to say......Vaccums, blood, werewolf and more blood. Super excited!

What makes me most happy about this whole thing is that i'm trying to establish myself (at least to my peers) as a legit screenwriter. I know it's small but after writing a ton of shorts and a couple of first draft features, i feel like i'm getting some recognition, with this particular talent. Egan thinks i'm good anyhow.

Murder, Murder, mermaid murder! Duh duh duh duh dudududu duh duh!

Come on CHARLIE ROSE!! I want to watch this interview and go to sleep! Damn!

I need a new computer i think. I checked out those new Macbook Air robots online the other day. We are in the future... right now! That thing can read minds and it can walk. There's video of it beating the whole north korean army at a a single chess game. And then I read about how it delivered a baby while flying a 747 from Tucson to Orlando, Florida. I need to get me one.

It's got no optical drive so it gathers data by way of osmosis. If you're girlfriend steps too close to it's iSight camera it will instantly know her measurements, turn ons, turn offs (respectively), and the first time she lost her virginity. As opposed to the second, obviously. My little old manbook here is on, and i'm afraid to say it's last legs, well as far as memory and processing goes. Sad. This good ol' boy has been with me through thick and thicker for almost five years. I do love him so. But as the Hagakure says"The end is important in all things." It also says women should stay quiet and cook most of the day, which I only halfway agree with. I loves to eat, but I also enjoy a stimulating conversation with a member of the fairer sex. Sexist Samurai. Psh...

Well, it's getting awful late for me. I promise more frequent posts, like in the old days.

Here's one of my favorite sites to visit:

Have fun, see you soon.

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