Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gimmie a break! I got kids to support!

Holy shit! It's Johann

That and a bunch of other stills from Hellboy II here:

If your not familiar with the comics, Johann is a psychic who was displaced from his body during a seance. Then his body was burned and he has to live as a sentient cloud within a protective suit. God I can't wait for this movie. I hope there are no wasted moments.

Today I had to do a run while on my internship. I had to take these gift bags to different ad agency places as a token of appreciation from Foundation (place I intern at). It sucked at first cause i'm lazy and i didn't want to do the run but when I got out I remembered why I just fucking love this city so much. For a moment I felt like the main character form a video game or something. Standing in the middle of this vast unexplored metropolis. Sometimes parts of the city can look like an elaborately built movie set and I'm the main character. Then, inside one of these buildings I had to check in with security and get specific directions about how to deliver things their way and that way only.So, when inside I started thinking up these wild scenarios about why I was there and who I was working for. Sometimes you get odd looks from people that you just can't explain. And since I was dealing with security they always look at you like you're up to no good. So I imagined a scenario where i had to find my way into the building and was there to do some shady drop off to some criminal types all while under the noses of these Michigan ave. fat cats. It's a weird urge I get sometimes, to pretend and act out this whole new persona. I feel like i'm in such a neutral acquired environment that opens up the opportunity to become something new and live it for just moments at a time. It's a lot of fun. Much like acting but i'm also the only audience member.

I am just out of things to say for tonight. I need some filler.

Here's something I thought was interesting:

Here's something hilarious:

Here's a great movie trailer:

Now I feel like doing something else besides blogging for a while. Sorry for the lame post, they can't all be solid gold.

Peace Dawg/s!


Words of wisdom from Ian about the state of the nation: "Shit's Fucked."

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